Polyprime WB
Water based bitumen primer
- Economical
- Waterproof & weatherproof
- Anti Corrosive
- Cold applied. Easy to apply
Polyprime WB is an emulsified bitumen based primer designed for applications as a primer and sealer coat.
TDS for PolyprimeWB
- Step by Step
Surface Preparation
The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly of all contaminants like dust, traces of curing compound, oil and grease. All surface imperfections, protrusions, structurally unsound and friable concrete must be removed and repaired with a suitable Polycrete* concrete repair mortar.
The surface must be dry before priming with Polyprime WB. Thoroughly mix the contents of the drum so that the there is no settlement due to storage. The primer can be applied by brush or roller @4-5 m²/L/coat. For dry and porous surfaces apply a second coat. The second coat shall be applied only after the first coat dries off completely. The primer should be allowed to dry naturally before the application of subsequent layers.
The coating shall be protected from ongoing site activities and during backfilling from getting damaged by a 150 micron polyethylene sheet.