Bitutape Putty-K
Moulding Putty
- Provides a smooth and workable profile on pipe fittings such as flanges, valves, spigot and socket type joints, bolted couplings and any intricate contours
- Used for hand moulding, thereby making the application simple and fast to use
- Provides excellent adhesion keeping the putty in place without slumping or sagging
Bitutape Putty-K is a chemical resistant oil based mastic putty used for smoothening of tough & intricate profiles and filling of voids and crevices for enhancing the waterproofing efficiency of Bitutape* anticorrosive pipe wrapping tape systems.
TDS for Bitutape Putty-K
Categories: Brand, Henkel Polybit, Pipe Wrapping Tapes, Waterproofing
Tags: bitutape, henkel, henkel polybit, waterproofing, waterstop
- Step by Step
Surface Preparation
Surfaces should be completely devoid of dust, oil, grease, rust, mill scale, weld spatter or any other loose debris, which would affect adhesion.
surface primed with Bitutape Primer* should be completely touch-dry before application of paste.
neatly pack the paste into the joints and crevices to provide the desired profile and contour to facilitate wrapping. Wrap with specified grade and width of Bitutape pipe Wrapping tape.