Polytherm AC
Polytherm AC
Highly Efficient, Energy-Saving Flexible Coating
- Durable & provides high degree heat insulation properties
- Very high emittance & reflectance properties
- Excellent dirt pick-up resistance over longer period of time
- Reduced thermal conductance and heat gain thereby by increasing energy efficiency
- Outstanding adhesion over a variety of substrates
- Waterproofing & resistance to blistering
- Low VOC & non-toxic
- UV protection
- Washable
Polytherm AC is water-based pure acrylic resin proving efficient thermal protection for the entire structure. Polytherm AC is non-toxic, washable & environment friendly forming a seamless membrane that resist many harsh chemicals & bridges hairline cracks. Polytherm AC has high emittance & reflectance as well as a very low conductivity value which reduce thermal shock & heat penetration thereby keeping roofs much cooler in hot summer weather. They offer UV protection & display excellent dirt pick-up resistance and retain their flexibility long after aging.
TDS For Polytherm AC
- Step by Step
Surface Preparation
All the surfaces must be cleaned and made free of dust, dirt, moss, oil, grease and other loose particles. This can be achieved by grit/sand/shot blasting. As a minimum, vigorous wire brushing should be employed. All pot holes and surface defects shall be repaired with a suitable concrete repair mortar from the Polycrete* range.
Polytherm AC does not require priming and can directly be applied onto the concrete surface. In case of highly porous surface, a priming coat is recommended to seal the pores and stabilize the surface. The primer coat can be produced on site by diluting Polytherm AC 1 to 1 with water. Apply the primer coat @ 5m²/L and allow to dry.
Polytherm AC is a single component product but mix the contents of the pail thoroughly prior to application to remove any sediment. A slow speed drill and suitable paddle mixer shall be used to avoid the formation of bubbles.
Once mixed, Polytherm AC should be immediately applied either by brush, roller or industrial sprayer. It is recommended that coating be applied in a minimum of two coats, coating shall be applied 3m2/liter/coat & should not be applied if relative humidity exceeds 95%. Each subsequent coat shall be applied only after the previous coat dries off completely. After application the coating must be back rolled to reduce surface irregularities and improve bonding. Prior to the application of each coat the surface should be examined for signs of pin-holing, etc. To overcoat, it is imperative that the second coat be applied within the specified overcoating time.
Note: Do not dilute.
Concrete roof @ 0.83 lt/m² for 500 microns DFT and metal roof @ 0.67 t/m² for 400 microns DFT