CC 83
CC 83
Synthetic resin additive for thin-bed mortars
- Considerably increases adhesive tension strength
- Increases imperviousness to water
- Improves flexibility
- Increases crack resistance
Synthetic resin additive to ensure flexible, high-strength laying of ceramic coverings, etc. Only for use in combination with mortars CM 11 and CM 16, with levelling compound CN 72 and with CN 90 EasyPlan PLUS. Add CC 83 when tiles are laid indoors on the following critical substrates: old tile coverings, paintwork, anhydrite screeds, light- weight concrete, mastic asphalt screeds, lightweight building boards, wood chipboards (V 100), dry screeds, sandwich-type or fibrous plasterboards.
TDS For CC 83
- Step by Step
First, mix CC 83 with water at the specified ratio (see table below). Then add the mortar and stir until the mixture is completely free of lumps. Apply the plastic-modified mortar according to the recognized rules of the thin-bed method. Fresh excess mortar can be removed with water; hardened material can only be removed mechanically.