Polyseal LW
Polyseal LW
Shrinkage compensated lightweight concrete repair mortar
- Premixed powder – requires only on site addition of water
- Shrinkage compensated
- Light weight
- Good adhesion on prepared surfaces
- Excellent Durability, low permeability and weather proof
- High build application, non slumping
Polycrete LW is a polymer modified, shrinkage compensated, cementitious lightweight repair mortar. Polycrete LW is suitable for applications on vertical and overhead concrete surfaces.
TDS For Polycrete LW
- Step by Step
Surface Preparation
The surface of the concrete to be repaired should be sound, clean and uncontaminated. the decayed or damaged area should be saw cut, keeping the sides of the area as square as possible. Loose materials must be removed carefully using suitable means such as sharp tools or chipping hammer. If the reinforcement is corroded make sure that the back of the steel is completely exposed. then clean the steel to bright metal condition.
Reinforcement steel: on completion of the cleaning, prime the clean reinforcement steel using a zinc rich primer (Polyzinc*).
concrete: in the event of severe concrete damage due to chloride attack, it is recommended to use a bonding coat like Polybond EP*/Polybond AC* before applying Polycrete LW. to achieve optimum bond between fresh and cured section, Polycrete LW should be applied when the bonding coat is still tacky.
Polycrete LW can be mixed by mechanical means. Slowly add the Polycrete LWpowder to 4.0-4.5 ltr. of clean and gauged water (w/p ratio of 0.16 – 0.18) working well to produce a smooth mortar. the consistency of the mix can be adjusted by the addition of more powder or water as necessary.
Placing and Finishing
Whilst the primer is still tacky, apply the mortar mix and compact well. application can be done with trowel or a rubber hand glove to paste the material in place. Polycrete LW can be applied to desired thicknesses in layers on vertical and overhead surfaces. high build application can be achieved by using a formwork. While applying multiple layers, the previous layer should be cross hatched and allowed to set before applying the next coat. Polycrete LW can be applied to a thickness of 50 mm in one single application if the ambient temperature is less than 25°C and the weather conditions are normal (no strong winds and low humidity) as this would result in rapid moisture evaporation.
Due to the presence of rapid drying polymers, the repaired area shall be cured in accordance with good concrete curing practice and protected from drying winds. Curing shall be done by non degradable type of curing compounds or wet hessian cloth. When cured with wet hessian cloth, the area shall be covered immediately with a high density polyethyelene sheet which shall be taped to all edges.