Polypoxy FC(S)
Polypoxy FC(S)
Solvented epoxy resin coating
- Easy to use and economical
- Good wear and abrasion resistance
- Good resistance to a wide range of chemicals
- Provides a dust free surface
- Easily cleanable
Polypoxy FC (S) is a two component solvented epoxy resin based coating for concrete and metal surfaces. This coating provides protection to cementitions and metal surfaces against abrasion and light to medium chemical spillages.
TDS For Polypoxy FC (S)
- Step by Step
Surface preparation
Clean the surface of all dust, dirt, oil & grease, cement laitance and all loosely adhering particles. New concrete surface shall be at least 28 days old and the surface moisture content less than 5%. Captive/grit blasting and grinding is recommended for the most effective surface preparation. Surface irregularities and blow holes shall be repaired with Polypoxy BF* (Epoxy resin based blow hole filler and skimming mortar) or Ceresit RS 88* (cementitious repair mortar). Alternatively an epoxy resin based scratch coat can be used when repairing larger areas (> 0.5m2). The surface after carrying out the necessary cleaning shall be vacuumed for removing the dust debris left over after the cleaning process.
On new concrete floors priming is not required. Polypoxy FC (S) can be directly applied as a primer and the first coat. Take a suitable container and pour the resin (A) into it. Add the hardener (B) into the resin and mix thoroughly with a spiral paddle mixer. Use of a slow speed drill is recommended to reduce the formation of air bubbles.
Once the material is mixed, apply the coating immediately within its pot life. Application on horizontal surface can be done with a squeegee. On vertical surfaces, it can be applied with a roller or airless spray. Apply the 1st coat @ 6-7 m2/L. To get an anti skid finish broad cast Aggregate No.3 onto the 1st coat whilst it is still wet. After the coating dries off completely, brush away the excess aggregates and apply the 2nd coat at the same coverage rate. Various textures can be obtained by varying the quantity of the aggregates from 0.3 kg to 1.0 kg/m2 on to the base coat. For a smooth coating, apply 2 coats @ 6-7m2/ lit observing min and max overcoating times.