Polyscreed PU (HD)
Polyscreed PU (HD)
6-12 mm Polyurethane based flooring system
- Water based with a high level of mechanical, chemical and water resistance.
- Suitable for hot water and steam cleaning
- Solvent free & non tainting
- Can withstand regular discharge of boiling water, hot oils & fats
- Excellent wear & impact resistance even to severe impact loads
- Low Odour
- High thermal resistance
- High Slip resistance
- Chemical resistance to a wide range of chemicals
- Eco-friendly
- Anti-microbial & seamless
Polyscreed PU (HD) is a four component, solvent free, seamless, chemical resistant, polyurethane resin flooring system. It has a hard wearing, abrasion resistant and smooth matt, textured floor finish and which can withstand direct steam impact.
TDS For Polyscreed PU (HD)
- Step by Step
Surface preparation
The concrete surface should thoroughly be cleaned of all loosely adhering particles, laitance, dust, oil, grease, paint, etc. Grit / captive blasting and mechanical grinding is recommended for removing all surface contaminants
Use our primer-Polyprime W depending on the substrate condition to ensure maximum product performance. Leave the primer to be completely dry. If the primer is left for more than 24 hours before application of Polyscreed PU (HD), an additional coat of primer should be applied.
Pour the entire contents of Part A and Part D (colour pigment) in a mixing pot and mix it for 15 seconds, then add Part B to this mix and keep mixing it with a heavy duty paddle mixer fitted to a high torque slow speed (300-400 rpm) drill for a minute to get a homogenous mix. Then add Part C (Powder) slowly into the mixture and further mix continuously until a uniform consistency is achieved. As the products are supplied in preweighed packs, part mixing is not recommended, as the cured product will not achieve its full properties even if there is a small variation in the mixing proportions.
Pour the mixture of Polyscreed PU (HD) on the floor. Spread the mix with a pin rake uniformly to achieve the desired thickness of 6 to 12 mm. The material is to be rolled with a spike roller to release the entrapped air from the mix. The subsequent kit should be poured on the floor within the pot life of the first kit and should be spread and joints should be matched. The floor should be spike rolled and joint should be matched by rolling on the joint. Care should be taken not to take the spike roller on the earlier kit as the setting of the earlier kit has already started and taking spike roller on it can leave roller marks on the surface. For more details, lease refer our Method Statement.
Curing & Protection
Protect the applied area till the applied Polyscreed PU (HD) material cures. At 30ºC, foot traffic access in 8 hours, vehicular traffic in 16 hours. At 20ºC, foot traffic access in 12 hours, vehicular traffic in 24 hours. Full cure at 28 days. Please refer detailed method statement which can be requested to local sales team.