Mineral based dry shake floor hardener
- Provides a hard and durable surface topping on concrete
- Reduces dusting and resists oil and grease penetration which makes it easy to clean
- Premixed and ready to use powder
- Ideal for interior and exterior use
- Available in a range of colours
- Forms a monolithic bond with concrete
Polyhard is a ready to use factory blended cementitious powder, which has been formulated to provide hard wearing surface when applied as a dry shake powder over freshly floated concrete surface. Polyhard contains specially selected aggregates with excellent abrasion and wear resistance along with cementitious binders, plasticizers and admixtures to provide a tough & durable floor.
TDS For Polyhard
- Step by Step
Surface preparation
Calculate the total quantity of Polyhard to be used, divide and mark the area into suitable bays and set out the bags evenly around the perimeter of the application area. Make sure that the required wooden hand floats and power floats are on site and ready to use.
Placing concrete
With the least possible handling, deposit concrete between previously placed screed points. Move concrete into place with square tipped shovel or other solid bladed tools. Vibrators when used should be inserted vertically and should not be used to move concrete. The concrete once placed is further leveled and consolidated with wooden or hand floats. Remove any bleed water, which is present on the surface.
Applying the first shake
Transfer Polyhard powder from the bags to pails of a size convenient for handling by the person walking on the freshly floated surface. When the concrete has set enough to leave a 3 – 6 mm footprint on the surface, start broadcasting 2/3rd of the quantity evenly over the surface. As soon as the material darkens, start working on the surface with wooden float. Make sure that the surface is not overworked which results in excessive moisture surfacing.
Applying the second shake
As the floating proceeds, immediately follow the process by broadcasting, at right angles to the initial broadcast, the balance 1/3rd of the quantity set apart. Once the material darkens, float the surface with a power float bringing the moisture completely through the surface. In case of heavy duty application the first broad cast will be done only with the half the quantity. This is followed by two separate broadcasts each with ¼ the quantity and at right angles to each other.