MKT is a young and highly specialized German manufacturer of internationally approved heavy duty anchor systems.
MKT offers a comprehensive range of standard anchor systems, tailor made anchoring solutions for small to large scale applications, far reaching technical support and assistance
MKT – competent and dynamic for more than 25 years. MKT´s continued above average growth rate is the result of a strategy which aims at systematically realizing added value for the trade partners in distribution and application.
Today about 200 people are employed in MKT-Germany. The modern manufacturing facilities including the logistic centre cover an overall space of 40.000 m².

Certification according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001 and OHSAS 18001.

European Technical Approval/Assessment (ETA) with CE marking

Approval by ‚Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik‘ in Berlin, Germany

ICC Evaluation Service listing, USA.

Shock approval by ‚Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz‘ in Bern, Switzerland.

Factory Mutual (FM), U.S. approval for installation of sprinkler systems

Suitable for installation of sprinkler systems as per requirements of VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH, Germany

VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH, Germany, approval for installation of sprinkler systems

Test report stating residual load bearing capacities after exposure of anchor to open flames 30 to 120 minutes according to DIN 4102-2 (F30/R30, F60/R60, F90/R90, F120/R120). See also page 138-139.

Tested according to ZTV-tunnel temperature curve. See also page 154.

Tested according to RWS-tunnel temperature curve.

Identifies anchors that are approved for fatigue loading

Identifies anchors suitable for use under seismic loading

Material sign for stainless steel (A4 grade 316 or HCR material 1.4529)

NSF International certification for use in drinking water and food systems..

Indicate the emission-class after the French directive (No. 2011-321 from 2011/03/23) on the labeling of building products for their indoor air emissions.The emissions are rated on a scale of A+ (very low emissions) to C (high emissions).

EPD-Environmental Product Declaration according ISO 14025 and EN 15804 by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU).

Included in MKT Design-Software