Evershield Radcom Formula 7

Applications – RADCOM FORMULA #7



TechnoBuilders Group proudly offers Radcon Formula #7® in Lebanon, providing an ideal solution for sealing precast concrete elements before their installation in construction projects. By applying this advanced formula, significant cost savings can be achieved through reduced on-site labor and expedited construction timelines. The end result is exceptionally durable structures requiring minimal renovation over their lifespan. This is particularly beneficial in tunnel construction, where the advantages of Radcon Formula #7® shine, ensuring effective sealing of individual tunnel segments.

Key Advantages:

Pre-Installation Sealing: Saves both time and money by reducing on-site labor.
Enhanced Durability: Ensures long-lasting structural integrity.
Cost-Effective Maintenance: Minimizes renovation expenses over the years.

Trust TechnoBuilders Group for reliable and efficient concrete sealing solutions across Lebanon.


TechnoBuilders Group is proud to offer Radcon Formula #7® in Lebanon, a cutting-edge solution for waterproofing rooftops—one of the most critical aspects that specifiers focus on. Radcon Formula #7® has successfully waterproofed thousands of roof decks across diverse climates. Its application is significantly faster and less risky compared to traditional membrane systems. Once applied, the rooftop will remain watertight and maintenance-free.

Key Benefits:

  1. No Construction Damage: Ensures no damage occurs during the construction process.
  2. No Additional Protection Required: Eliminates the need for extra protection or topping.
  3. Easy Problem Resolution: Problems are easy to locate and fix.
  4. Minimal Site Downtime: Treated areas can be used for work or material storage almost immediately.

Choose TechnoBuilders Group for dependable and efficient rooftop waterproofing solutions throughout Lebanon.


TechnoBuilders Group Presents Radcon Formula #7® for Enhanced Facade Protection in Lebanon

TechnoBuilders Group is delighted to offer Radcon Formula #7® in Lebanon, providing exceptional treatment solutions for both cast in-situ and rendered facades. Radcon Formula #7® offers numerous benefits, including sealing shrinkage cracks, preventing efflorescence, and reducing permeability. Additionally, paints and other coatings can be applied over the treatment without any loss of bond. Delaminating render can also be effectively re-bonded using Radcon Formula #7® injection.

Key Benefits:

  • Seals Shrinkage Cracks: Ensures a robust and durable facade.
  • Prevents Efflorescence: Keeps facades free from unsightly white deposits.
  • Reduces Permeability: Enhances the overall waterproofing of the facade.
  • Maintains Coating Integrity: Allows for paint and other coatings to be applied without bond loss.
  • Re-Bonds Delaminating Render: Restores the integrity of damaged facades through injection treatment.

Trust TechnoBuilders Group for comprehensive and effective facade protection solutions across Lebanon.


TechnoBuilders Group Presents Radcon Formula #7® for Superior Car Park Waterproofing in Lebanon

TechnoBuilders Group is proud to offer Radcon Formula #7® in Lebanon, providing an optimal waterproofing solution for car parks. Unlike traditional membrane systems, Radcon Formula #7® works below the surface, ensuring it remains unaffected by traffic. By forming a gel in cracks and capillaries, Radcon Formula #7® effectively accommodates thermal stresses from temperature fluctuations, making it suitable for all climatic conditions.

Key Benefits:

  1. 100% Trafficability: Remains undamaged by vehicular traffic.
  2. No Protection Required: Eliminates the need for additional protection or topping.
  3. Easy Problem Resolution: Issues are easy to locate, isolate, and fix.
  4. Minimal Site Downtime: Allows for quick return to use.
  5. Long-Life Durability: Ensures a long-lasting solution.
  6. Increased Abrasion Resistance: Enhances surface resistance by 30%.
  7. Reduces Chloride Ingress and Freeze/Thaw Damage: Decreases damage by 89%.

Choose TechnoBuilders Group for reliable and efficient car park waterproofing solutions throughout Lebanon.


Radcon Formula #7® has been used to waterproof major waterholding vessels for nearly 30 years.
Unlike traditional membranes that generally are not receptive to constant water, Radcon Formula #7® i the opposite. When water is in contact with Radcon
it improves the chemical reaction between Radcon Formula #7® and the calcium in the concrete, actually assisting it‘s waterproofing abilities. This has meant that Radcon Formula #7® has been used on a wide variety of waterholding vessels over the past 25 years. As well as waterproofing, Radcon Formula #7® prevents chloride ingress into the concrete and preventing corrosion of the steel, thus prolonging the life of these structures. Radcon Formula #7® has been tested and approved for use with potable water in a range of different countries throughout the world. It has been used on many drinking water tanks in Australia, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. It is completely non-toxic and has been used on aquariums with up to 40,000 fish and plant life in them. Key benefits

  1. Continues to waterproof for the life of the structure
  2. Exposure to constant water improves Radcon Formula #7®‘s performance – unlike most membranes whichdeteriorate Fast to apply
  3. Prevents leakage and chloride ingress
  4. Safe with potable water
  5. Non Toxic
  6. Safe with marine and plant life
  7. Resists hydrostatic pressure – has been tested to 400metres.


TechnoBuilders Group Presents Radcon Formula #7®: Cost-Effective Building Protection in Lebanon

TechnoBuilders Group is proud to offer Radcon Formula #7® in Lebanon, a highly cost-effective sealant providing numerous benefits for building protection. Radcon Formula #7® ensures rapid application, complete trafficability, concrete protection, and reduced maintenance costs. An additional significant advantage is that it does not impair the adhesion of the asphalt wearing course to the subsoil.

Key Benefits:

Rapid Application: Speeds up the construction process.
Full Trafficability: Allows for immediate use without risk of damage.
Concrete Protection: Enhances durability and longevity.
Reduced Maintenance Costs: Lowers long-term upkeep expenses.
Preserves Asphalt Adhesion: Ensures strong bonding of asphalt to subsoil.

Trust TechnoBuilders Group for effective and economical building protection solutions throughout Lebanon.


Chloride Ions Ingress is concrete‘s most destructive enemy. Radcon Formula #7® has a unique way of stopping them from causing reinforcement corrosion. Firstly, as weater and chlorides enter the Radcon Formula #7® treated zone, the gel swells and stops further ingress. Secondly, the gel is highly alkaline which helps to maintain the alkalinity of the concrete which is important in maintaining the passive layer on the reinforcement. This gel seals cracks and microcracks that are would normally be direct paths for water and chlorides to attack the embedded steel.
Key benefits:
1. Reduces Cloride Ion diffusion by 89%.1.
2. Reduces water permeability by 70%.
3. Equivalent to reduction in w/c ratio of 0.1 to 0.2. 4. UV and Chloride resistant.
5. Seals both cracks and matrix.
6. Consolidation effect in the penetrated zone.
7. High Alkalinity maintains passivity to steel.


Radcon Formula #7® is useful for a variety of applications. If the reaction conditions are suitable then Radcon Formula #7® will deliver concrete with greater resistance to imposed or environmental conditions and maintain waterproofing integrity. For instance, in tiled areas, Radcon Formula #7® can save up to 90% of the repair cost compared to traditional systems by treating the mortar joints rather than removing the tiles.
Further applications
1. Industrial Waste Plants
2. 3D-concrete printing
3. Shower Recesses and Areas 4. Pre-cast structures.
5. Cut & Cover Tunnels