Nail Anchor N
Range of loading: 0,71 kN – 2,81 kN
Range of concrete quality: C12/15 – C50/60
The Nail Anchor N combines the advantages of a wedge anchor with
an even easier installation. The Nail Anchor is simply hammered through the fixture into the concrete. Applying torque is not necessa-
ry in the threaded versions. When the load is applied the Nail Anchor expands automatically and anchors to the concrete. – There is a nail head (N-K) version, a M6 external thread (N) version
and a dual threaded sleeve M8/M10 (N-M).
The Nail anchor in stainless Steel A4/316 and stainless Steel HCR is also tested according to ZTV and RWS tunnel temperature curve in cracked concrete. Load capacities see Page 154.
Advantages :
- ETA approval for redundant fastenings in cracked and non-cracked concrete
- – Fast and simple mounting Reduced anchorage depth (25 mm) for reduced drilling costs
- – Very small edge distances and spacings
- – Loads up to 2,81 kN
- – only one product for two applications: dual thread M8/M10 (N-M)
Ceiling constructions, piping, cladding etc.
- Description